
Showing posts from November, 2022

Lethe 0.7

 Lethe 0.7 fixes a crash which occurred on replay after one path to dying.  Several other minor bugs were also fixed. Play Lethe I have been testing this version quite extensively and think it is quite close to being considered a final release.

Lethe 0.6

  I am happy to release Lethe 0.6, a second release candidate.  The game now starts with the opening paragraph, rather than a description. Gameplay is unchanged. Play Lethe

Lethe 0.5 Release Candidate

 I am happy to release Lethe 0.5.  This version is a feature complete release candidate; the primary changes being improvements to the labeling of the buttons for saving, loading and restarting the game and for toggling between light and dark mode themes. Play Lethe

Lethe 0.4 - Restoring after dying

Lethe is getting very close to being complete. In this release, I provide the reader with the ability to resume the story just before the key decision that led them to dying or moving to Australia without knowing what has happened to them. I have also done some proof- reading and testing.  Hopefully, I've found and removed the few remaining development comments in the player visible text. I am pretty close to finishing the game.  Next I plan to review the web template and the number of decision options presented simultaneously.  In the most recently implemented content, I limited these to four options at a time.  I will review the earlier content with this in mind. Lethe

A few notes on my adaptation of Disch’s Amnesia script.

Lethe is an 'interactive fiction'  game with an emphasis on the ‘fiction’ as opposed to the ‘game’. It focuses on narrative and presents the player with decisions  of significance to plot and character, as opposed to geographic navigation and basic survival, like shelter and food. It is my ambition that the player will be able to traverse the majority of the narrative content of the script. Disch’s Amnesia manuscript divides into a first section focused on narrative, followed by a ‘city grid’ section, implementation revisions, notes and finally what appears to be some code. The latter parts of the file are difficult or impossible to read due to poor quality scanning of the original paper documents. The city grid content mostly entails navigating Manhattan. It contains some interesting descriptions of New York landmarks in 1986, but – in my view – is surplus to the story.  Aaron A Reed and previous commentators, remark on the tedium of navigating the city grid and dealing...

Lethe 0.2 Release

Lethe 0.2 is now released on It's been two months since I posted or release a version of Lethe.  The game is now playable to its many possible endings. I count fifteen ways in which player decisions lead to an ending.      thirteen paths to death by violence or execution     two paths to death by old age in ignorance about what had really happened to you     one path of full success where you achieve agency over your life